Archive for January 7, 2009

More bad news for consumer game mags (with arcade-related thoughts)

January 7, 2009


The bad news just keeps coming for print magazines in the US, with the end of EGM and the sale of HardCore Gamer Magazine on eBay. Of course this comes about by the fact that ripprint has just had a very difficult time in keeping up with the internet and in particular big gaming sites and blogs where gamers can get their news in a flash as opposed to once a month. I have been contributing arcade reviews for HardCore Gamer Magazine for some time now and I have no idea how this will change but I suppose it depends on who buys it up. If the magazine sticks around, I hope that they keep the friendly attitude towards arcades going, if not however then I suppose it’s not a major loss. While I have critical of game mags for ignoring arcades as a whole before, if no one is reading them in the first place then the effect of these mags going under isn’t going to hurt arcades (or other video games) much at all. Still, kudos for the editors at HGM for giving arcades some well-deserved attention.

If I had a bunch of back issues of mags like EGM, it would be cool to take some scans of old arcade reviews, just to reminisce of the times when they actually did care. In fact, what game magazines did you like to read arcade reviews in ‘back in the day’?

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