Posted tagged ‘Let’s Go Island’

GRID, Let's Go Island launching soon

August 11, 2010

Sega Amusements UK has sent out invites to an upcoming product launch event and Kevin Williams shared with us what the invitation looks like.  6 new products are being launched there, including GRID which we first unveiled in June and Let’s Go Island which we have been hearing about throughout the year. I believe that the Sonic series that is mentioned is referring to Sega’s recent line-up of Sonic themed games such as air hockey and basketball but perhaps Sega has something more video-related planned for their mascot.  We have removed the date and address as requested as this is more to point out what we can expect to see and Arcade Heroes will be there to check it out when the event takes place.

GRID, Let’s Go Island launching soon

August 11, 2010

Sega Amusements UK has sent out invites to an upcoming product launch event and Kevin Williams shared with us what the invitation looks like.  6 new products are being launched there, including GRID which we first unveiled in June and Let’s Go Island which we have been hearing about throughout the year. I believe that the Sonic series that is mentioned is referring to Sega’s recent line-up of Sonic themed games such as air hockey and basketball but perhaps Sega has something more video-related planned for their mascot.  We have removed the date and address as requested as this is more to point out what we can expect to see and Arcade Heroes will be there to check it out when the event takes place.

Sega location testing Let's Go Island at Club Sega in Akihabara

April 10, 2010

The only disappointment I had at Amusement Expo this year was I went in expecting to see an actual cabinet of the new Sega shooter Let’s Go Island and instead they only had a video preview of the game running on a screen there. The same thing happened at EAG so we’ve all been wondering when an actual cabinet of the game would be showing up. Sega has finally unveiled the new game at their new Club Sega entertainment venue in Akihabara Japan and while there is no video I can find of the game in action yet, AM-Net’s blog happens to have the first picture of the motion cabinet in all of it’s glory. The technology they are using for this looks just like what they are using on their new Hummer Mini-Motion cabinet (which we saw at Amusement Expo) and Kevin Williams of the Stinger Report has already pointed out that the game reminds him a  lot of Sega’s old Rail Chase arcade title. No word on a release date just yet but if the game is this far along then I imagine that we’ll be seeing it come out this fall sometime worldwide.

For previous Let’s Go Island coverage you can see here (Amusement Expo); (some game details) (EAG) (Game announcement)

Sega location testing Let’s Go Island at Club Sega in Akihabara

April 10, 2010

The only disappointment I had at Amusement Expo this year was I went in expecting to see an actual cabinet of the new Sega shooter Let’s Go Island and instead they only had a video preview of the game running on a screen there. The same thing happened at EAG so we’ve all been wondering when an actual cabinet of the game would be showing up. Sega has finally unveiled the new game at their new Club Sega entertainment venue in Akihabara Japan and while there is no video I can find of the game in action yet, AM-Net’s blog happens to have the first picture of the motion cabinet in all of it’s glory. The technology they are using for this looks just like what they are using on their new Hummer Mini-Motion cabinet (which we saw at Amusement Expo) and Kevin Williams of the Stinger Report has already pointed out that the game reminds him a  lot of Sega’s old Rail Chase arcade title. No word on a release date just yet but if the game is this far along then I imagine that we’ll be seeing it come out this fall sometime worldwide.

For previous Let’s Go Island coverage you can see here (Amusement Expo); (some game details) (EAG) (Game announcement)

Reminder: Amusement Expo this week, here's a preview

March 9, 2010

This is just a quick reminder that the new combo show of the AMOA/AAMA, better known as the Amusement Expo takes place this week, with the convention beginning on  Wednesday and ending on Friday. I will be there to get some hands-on time with some of the latest video games that will be popping up in arcades around the world later this year, and I’ll have my trusty HD camera there to capture the action. Some of the games you can look forward to seeing:

Pac-Man Battle Royale

Deadstorm Pirates (full software version)

Let’s Go Island

Pump It Up Pro 2 /Fiesta

Go Go Grand Prix

and much more. Not every company has revealed their roster yet (such as Raw Thrills’ and GlobalVR) but I am sure we’ll see Terminator Salvation there since that it’s RT’s flagship title and I expect to see NASCAR Online although without confirmation that is only a guess. No clue if RT will have something new at the show although they generally show off new games in March. As for any other new content, unless there is an announcement tomorrow to reveal more, we’ll just have to wait and see.

If anyone wants to catch up with me I’ll be wandering around the show playing games and taking video, in either a black Pac-Man/Ms. Pac-Man shirt or a blue shirt with a giant Atari logo on it(depends on the day). I also hope to get some podcast content done there too so it should be fun. When AH is updated with new content depends on access I can get to a PC but I’ll see what I can do to get content uploaded as quickly as possible. I’ll be sure to update via Twitter and you can also check my Youtube page for updates as that is where videos will appear first.

See you there!

Reminder: Amusement Expo this week, here’s a preview

March 9, 2010

This is just a quick reminder that the new combo show of the AMOA/AAMA, better known as the Amusement Expo takes place this week, with the convention beginning on  Wednesday and ending on Friday. I will be there to get some hands-on time with some of the latest video games that will be popping up in arcades around the world later this year, and I’ll have my trusty HD camera there to capture the action. Some of the games you can look forward to seeing:

Pac-Man Battle Royale

Deadstorm Pirates (full software version)

Let’s Go Island

Pump It Up Pro 2 /Fiesta

Go Go Grand Prix

and much more. Not every company has revealed their roster yet (such as Raw Thrills’ and GlobalVR) but I am sure we’ll see Terminator Salvation there since that it’s RT’s flagship title and I expect to see NASCAR Online although without confirmation that is only a guess. No clue if RT will have something new at the show although they generally show off new games in March. As for any other new content, unless there is an announcement tomorrow to reveal more, we’ll just have to wait and see.

If anyone wants to catch up with me I’ll be wandering around the show playing games and taking video, in either a black Pac-Man/Ms. Pac-Man shirt or a blue shirt with a giant Atari logo on it(depends on the day). I also hope to get some podcast content done there too so it should be fun. When AH is updated with new content depends on access I can get to a PC but I’ll see what I can do to get content uploaded as quickly as possible. I’ll be sure to update via Twitter and you can also check my Youtube page for updates as that is where videos will appear first.

See you there!

More Sega news: in-depth look at Club Sega; new Shining Force Cross version; more Let's Go Island

March 4, 2010


As a sort of follow-up to the news from Sega about their line-up at the Amusement Expo next week, we have several pieces of news about the company that we’ll just going to lump into one convenient post.

First, has an in-depth look at the new Club Sega in Akihabara, replete with information and pictures. They have plenty of new Sega titles, from Tetris Giant to Shining Force Cross, Intitial D5, Border Break and Virtua Fighter 5R. They also have some older games there, including OutTriggers which is one game I’d love to play in arcades one day but I have never seen one in the US. It looks like an excellent facility and if I ever go to Japan one day, I would love to check it out.

Speaking of Shining Force Cross, Sega already has a new version of the game in the works and it be out in Japan before too long. It’s too bad the game can’t be changed for an international release as an RPG in arcades outside of Japan would be fun to have (again).

Also CoinOpToday has received more information on Let’s Go Island. You play as Ben and Norah once again who this time are captured by modern day pirates who are on an obvious quest for treasure. The game will have more stages and routes to select than Let’s Go Jungle did and it will come in three cabinet configurations(I think). According to the press release it will be “available in both non motion, motion, and the Standard 32” LCD cabinets” which could mean two non-motion versions and the motion one. In addition to this obviously going out to compete with Dead Storm Pirates(which I have heard will be the full game as opposed to a demo this time), I have read that ICE will have a standard version of Panic Museum at the show. All this and some other light-gun games we know about indicates that the Amusement Expo is going to be dominated by light-gun shooters instead of racers for a change.

Also while we’re on the topic of light-gun games, popular blog Wired has a write-up on Taito’s Music Gun Gun in Japan. As Kevin Williams who sent me the link said, “all of a sudden and Wired covers amusement!” We’ll have to wait and see if the coverage will ever venture outside of Japan however.

More Sega news: in-depth look at Club Sega; new Shining Force Cross version; more Let’s Go Island

March 4, 2010


As a sort of follow-up to the news from Sega about their line-up at the Amusement Expo next week, we have several pieces of news about the company that we’ll just going to lump into one convenient post.

First, has an in-depth look at the new Club Sega in Akihabara, replete with information and pictures. They have plenty of new Sega titles, from Tetris Giant to Shining Force Cross, Intitial D5, Border Break and Virtua Fighter 5R. They also have some older games there, including OutTriggers which is one game I’d love to play in arcades one day but I have never seen one in the US. It looks like an excellent facility and if I ever go to Japan one day, I would love to check it out.

Speaking of Shining Force Cross, Sega already has a new version of the game in the works and it be out in Japan before too long. It’s too bad the game can’t be changed for an international release as an RPG in arcades outside of Japan would be fun to have (again).

Also CoinOpToday has received more information on Let’s Go Island. You play as Ben and Norah once again who this time are captured by modern day pirates who are on an obvious quest for treasure. The game will have more stages and routes to select than Let’s Go Jungle did and it will come in three cabinet configurations(I think). According to the press release it will be “available in both non motion, motion, and the Standard 32” LCD cabinets” which could mean two non-motion versions and the motion one. In addition to this obviously going out to compete with Dead Storm Pirates(which I have heard will be the full game as opposed to a demo this time), I have read that ICE will have a standard version of Panic Museum at the show. All this and some other light-gun games we know about indicates that the Amusement Expo is going to be dominated by light-gun shooters instead of racers for a change.

Also while we’re on the topic of light-gun games, popular blog Wired has a write-up on Taito’s Music Gun Gun in Japan. As Kevin Williams who sent me the link said, “all of a sudden and Wired covers amusement!” We’ll have to wait and see if the coverage will ever venture outside of Japan however.

Sega announces Amusement Expo line-up: Let’s Go Island cabinet, new Hummer and Rambo cabinets

March 3, 2010

As we soon approach the Amusement Expo next week in Vegas, we are starting to hear about the games we will be seeing there and today Sega unveiled the games that they will feature at the show in a press release.I have to say that it looks like Amusement Expo is shaping up to be a great show and I’m looking forward to getting some hands-on time with all of the new offerings.

First off, they will be showing off a Let’s Go Island cabinet for the first time. The cabinet will be shown in only one configuration with the motion base and a 42″ screen. As you can see in the picture, the cabinet is quite different from Let’s Go Island, it’s like a cross between Tetris Giant and Hummer.

Speaking of Hummer (which was released in the standard version last month), they will have a new version of the game to show off there called the “Mini-deluxe” (not unlike GlobalVR’s new mini-deluxe design on Twisted). The mini-deluxe configuration still features two seats but the footprint is smaller than the full deluxe. That should also mean that the price tag will be smaller too, leading to more sales.

In a surprise Sega also has revealed a new configuration of Rambo, with the game coming in a new mid-range cabinet with a 42″ LCD, putting the game in the realm of some other 42″ shooters we’re seeing pop-up out there.

Sega Racing Classic, which will be released this month will also be at the show and we’ll have to see if the software is different from what was shown at IAAPA.

Beyond that the line-up includes games we have already seen or new video redemption items, all of which we’ll get a glimpse at next week. I will be attending the show and capturing video once again (this time with my HD camera that has a much better microphone than what I had to settle with last time), so stay tuned for Arcade Heroes for a look at these and many other games!


Sega announces Amusement Expo line-up: Let's Go Island cabinet, new Hummer and Rambo cabinets

March 3, 2010

As we soon approach the Amusement Expo next week in Vegas, we are starting to hear about the games we will be seeing there and today Sega unveiled the games that they will feature at the show in a press release.I have to say that it looks like Amusement Expo is shaping up to be a great show and I’m looking forward to getting some hands-on time with all of the new offerings.

First off, they will be showing off a Let’s Go Island cabinet for the first time. The cabinet will be shown in only one configuration with the motion base and a 42″ screen. As you can see in the picture, the cabinet is quite different from Let’s Go Island, it’s like a cross between Tetris Giant and Hummer.

Speaking of Hummer (which was released in the standard version last month), they will have a new version of the game to show off there called the “Mini-deluxe” (not unlike GlobalVR’s new mini-deluxe design on Twisted). The mini-deluxe configuration still features two seats but the footprint is smaller than the full deluxe. That should also mean that the price tag will be smaller too, leading to more sales.

In a surprise Sega also has revealed a new configuration of Rambo, with the game coming in a new mid-range cabinet with a 42″ LCD, putting the game in the realm of some other 42″ shooters we’re seeing pop-up out there.

Sega Racing Classic, which will be released this month will also be at the show and we’ll have to see if the software is different from what was shown at IAAPA.

Beyond that the line-up includes games we have already seen or new video redemption items, all of which we’ll get a glimpse at next week. I will be attending the show and capturing video once again (this time with my HD camera that has a much better microphone than what I had to settle with last time), so stay tuned for Arcade Heroes for a look at these and many other games!
