Posted tagged ‘Wheel of Fortune’

Amusement Expo 2010: Raw Thrills/Betson, TrioTech booth

March 13, 2010

Here are several different booths for one post, hope you enjoy.

First is the Raw Thrills’/Betson booth. Many were distracted at this booth not so much by the game but by the scantily clad pole dancing booth babes at the adjacent Apple Industries booth.  I had to avoid filming that so the video isn’t flagged (and we need to stay focused here 😉 ). At the booth they had Terminator Salvation, H2Overdrive, Big Buck Hunter Open Season, and the new Wheel of Fortune video redemption game. Terminator was running what was likely to be the release software, which now sports cut scenes, voice acting and updated graphics from the IAAPA build. There was a surprise with H2Overdrive there – they now have 32″ H2Overdrive cabs that are intended for smaller locations and budgets. In addition to the smaller screen it also lacks some of the LED attract lights on the back but it’s still a nice cabinet. These will likely run $700-$800 below the deluxe versions. Also for a new product was Wheel of Fortune. While it’s a video redemption title, think of Deal or No Deal (which also has a street version that dispense different kinds of tickets for locations that can’t take redemption tickets) in where they are going with this. The game has a spinner controller for spinning the big wheel and an HD touch screen for selecting letters.

Here is something I missed from IAAPA by TrioTech – the new Stomper DLX. It’s a modified version of their UFO Stomper that can fit into more venues that it’s predecessor could. The system works out in the same way by detecting the players foot movements and it includes a variety of mini-games they can play. I’m not sure what the price is on this one but it certainly is in a lower realm than UFO Stomper was.

Wheel of Fortune on location

November 30, 2007

Thanks to tipster IcePagoda for pointing out this video of Stern’s newest pin, Wheel of Fortune on location. It looks like a lot of fun as you may expect to experience from Stern. Video produced by Web Wide Video.

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Wheel of Fortune Pinball by Stern

October 2, 2007


At AMOA 2007, Stern unveiled it’s next pinball table, Wheel of Fortune. WoF Pinball is looking to re-introduce certain aspects that haven’t been seen in pinball games for some time. The cabinet itself fits with the style of the show, with lots of gradient colors and an wofcab.jpgeye-catching backglass design. The backglass even features an old Stern slogan “Play Pinball It’s More Fun To Compete”. Some of the new features are a new design for the dot-matrix display, with scores on the left side, puzzles on the right (with more room dedicated to the puzzles). There also is an LED display right above the flippers on the playfield. To describe a few more differences, Pinball News describes it best:

Wheel of Fortune departs from the traditional arrangement by including two rollover lane between the flippers like those found in games such as Wayne Nyens’s Cow Poke and Buckaroo. This provides a centre post for straight-down-the-middle balls and gives the chance of a Super Spin if the balls rolls over a lit lane.

The two outlanes are divided in two as they head towards the outhole, providing the opportunity for a free spin

We also see the re-introduction of star rollovers on the playfield for the B-O-N-U-S letter jackpots.

wofflip.jpgWheel of Fortune Pinball is set for release next month in November. Head over to Pinball News for the whole deal, along with a few more pictures.

[Pinball News – Wheel of Fortune

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