Posted tagged ‘Universal Space’

UNIS shows off Crazy Speed

April 7, 2010

Not long ago we found out about a new arcade racer by Taiwanese company UNIS (or Universal Space) called Crazy Speed Arcade but there were very few details on the game. We could assume plenty as it is a racer and generally we don’t see many surprises there. Thanks to this video just published by UNIS, we can fill in the blanks. The game has many different cars, tracks and mode to select from which is always nice – I find it disappointing to sit down on a racer with only a few tracks and options. There is a tournament mode, Time Attack mode, Local Race (playing linked) and even an Online Battle Mode. With that, it brings us to at least three racers I can recall off the top of my head to feature that at the moment (this, Taito’s Top Speed and GlobalVR’s NASCAR Team Racing).  Graphically it looks really good thanks to the high detail and effects like motion blur; the only thing I can think of for improvement is a higher frame rate but otherwise this looks top notch.

We actually can expect to see this available outside of Asia as UNIS does sell their games internationally and possibly at a competitive price if it follows the same lines as their other in-house game Ultimate which was only $4700 for a 46″ game.

[UNIS website]

Pics from IAAPA 2009 (Part 1)

November 20, 2009


Well I’m back from IAAPA 2009 and it was an excellent show. I had always heard how large it was but you have to see it (and walk it) to believe it. I am going to start off with some picture updates here since that is a bit easier to get up and later I will be uploading videos to my Youtube channel. I took more video than any of the other shows I’ve been to which in part is due to the amount of content I found there.

Here we go – because this post is going to be quite large when I’m finished with it, I am going to put everything after the post break. Click on the images to see them full-size. Games to look for below: Cooking Mama, Tank! Tank! Tank!, Dead Storm Pirates, Terminator Salvation, Big Buck Hunter Open Season, Sega Racing Classic, Hummer and more.
