The Arcade Heroes Game of the Decade poll

As we are seeing a close to the decade, it’s only logical that we see what people think was the best game of the decade. I have compiled a list of games that are either well acclaimed by players or arcade operators that have been released between January 2000 and now. Putting every single game on the list that was released in arcades over the past 10 years just wouldn’t do – in fact the list seems a bit large as it is. Hopefully what is on the list will please everyone but since it probably won’t, that’s where you use the “Other” option but if you choose Other, please specify what game earned your vote in the comments.

Because the poll is so large, I am putting it after the post break, so click below to begin. I also have set it to not accept repeat votes so hopefully we won’t have the same problem as in the last one.

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20 Comments on “The Arcade Heroes Game of the Decade poll”

  1. DarkTetsuya Says:

    I only wished I had more time to get people’s picks, but I think having IIDX 6th and DDRMAX2 would probably be enough…

  2. arcads4ever Says:

    this doesn’t work for me this poll, why not have serperate polls. one for driving, one for shooting, music, other etc as theres too many favourite I like for different reasons

    • arcads4ever Says:

      P.s. I vote for samba de amigo even though I never seen it in the arcades as I have this game for the dreamcast

      • Shaggy Says:

        Separate polls would have taken a bit more time to set up than I have had lately – that and I am just interested to see overall what people think is the best game to come out over the past ten years.

        That said we could do separate polling, maybe in the forums to also see what people think.

  3. Molloy Says:

    Had to go with Outrun 2 really. It looked gorgeous, had nice style and plenty of replay value. It was also quite generous with the playtime it gave you for a credit. I think too many games kick you off the machine far too quickly nowadays, especially when you consider how much a credit costs.

    • arcads4ever Says:

      which outrun 2, sp or spdx? SPDX I think is da best

      • Molloy Says:

        SPDX is the version with the two steering wheels per car and motion? I thought that was pretty rubbish to be honest. They were charging twice the price of normal SP so who cares. They had crappy backprojected screens and the graphics were getting dated by the time it came out, especially when blown up to that size. Felt like a cynical cash in, flogging a dead horse.

        So my votes for SP I suppose. Or 2, no need to go splitting hairs.

  4. ashley Says:

    that sometimes makes me think would it be viable to lower the price of games to 25c usa.would more people come and play coin op games.

  5. Kimone Says:

    By income I would choose Initial D (ver 1). That’s not there so I chose WMMT3.

  6. Sgt. Wafer Says:

    I voted for Big Buck Hunter Pro because it (and Golden Tee actually) has proven that arcade games with online features and tournaments can work in the west.

  7. Dave P Says:

    No virtua cop 3!?!?!?!?!?!?

  8. Eva Says:

    H2o rocks!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. black jebus Says:

    The voting seems broken. I placed a vote from home tonight, and was informed that my “vote had already been counted”.


  10. Gloria Elias R. Says:

    h20verdrive is an AWESOME and EXCITING GAME!

    h20verdrive keeps you on the edge of your seat!

    Oh yeah — h20verdive is a lotta FUN!

  11. Molloy Says:

    I forgot about Virtua Cop 3.. definitely in my top 5 games of the decade. Shame it never got a console release.

  12. Dave_K. Says:

    Wow, I’m only the second person to vote for Ikaruga? This game brought arcade shooters/shmups back into the main stream!

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